20 Feel Good Ways to Drive Traffic To Your Blog

What's the best way to make traffic for your blog or site? Actually, there's no best way to do it but to try out different tricks. What works for you might not work for everyone but there are some methods that can produce better results than others.

Some experts or gurus may tell you to do this and don't do that. For me, I suggest to follow what you feel is right. Experiment on tips and tricks that they teach you and find out which works for your blog.

In relation to this, here are 20 easy-to-do and almost FREE ways to drive traffic for your blog. Do try some of it out 'cause I certainly have had results!

  1. Turn your articles and blog posts into PDFs using free PDF converters like OpenOffice. Then submit your PDFs to document sharing sites like Scribd and DocStoc.
  2. Write truly informative and useful articles related to your niche, and publish them on WikiPedia.
  3. Hold a contest and give prizes to your readers. Use social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to let people know about the contest. A good contest with good prizes will attract a lot of people.
  4. Write list posts like the one you are reading. Readers love posts like “10 ways to make money” or “6 ways to drive traffic to your blog”. List posts are amongst the most popular kinds of posts, and people tend to share list posts with others more often than other posts.
  5. Post frequently, but don’t sacrifice quantity for quality. Both search engines and visitors like to see fresh, quality content. The more content you have, the more chances you have for ranking for variety of keywords, which will mean more organic traffic for your blog.
  6. Submit your blog to search engines like GoogleYahoo and Bing. Or simply use AdMe.com to submit your site to over 25 search engines for free.Submit your blog to social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon.
  7. Write with what you are passionate about and what makes you feel good.
  8. Turn your articles to videos using free video creation services like Animoto, and submit them to video directories such as YouTube and DailyMotion.
  9. Create a hub about your blog on HubPages.
  10. Controversial posts attract visitors. Write a controversial post. Be creative and bold, but be careful not to cross the boundaries.
  11. Leave quality comments on blogs that are related to your niche. Make sure your comments add value to the blog. Don’t just spam-comment and hope for the best. It never works, and your links will get deleted. If you leave a useful comment, people will be more likely to visit your blog.
  12. If you find interesting posts on other blogs, write a post about them and link to them. The other bloggers will notice and might do the same for you.
  13. Submit your site to review sites that write reviews on other websites and blogs, like CoolSiteOfTheDay.
  14. Use your keywords in the title of your posts. Having your keyword in the title makes it easier for you to rank for that keyword, thus bringing you more organic traffic. That's a little bit of SEO too.
  15. Make a Twitter profile for your blog and tweet each and every post you publish on your blog.
  16. When you eat out, leave a good tip along with a business card with your site info on it.
  17. Go to YouTube, find popular videos related to your niche and start commenting on those videos with a link back to your blog.
  18. Make a bumper sticker with your blog address on it, and place it on your car’s bumper. You can even ask your friends and family to do the same for you!
  19. Use your blog’s name as your username on forums, social networking sites, and other places like YahooAnswers.
  20. Introduce your blog to Google+ and make your "circles" engage with each other.

Courtesy of: Problogger.net

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